
Monday, March 05, 2007


Thank you for tagging me, Neemo and Azleen. Now I have an excuse for an entry. =p

Ok, ok, bad joke. The reason for dawdling with the progress of my Turkey travelogue is accredited to a string of internal conflicts occurring lately, associated with the communal search towards one’s greater understanding of oneself. Whilst it sounds rather fishy when you consider me as the subject here, it does make for plausible defence, doesn’t it? Ok, duh all you want already. Nevertheless, something has been bothering me lately, and whenever I thought I had finally figured out what it was, the feeling came back. It’s hindering my creative process, triggering a mild case of writer’s block. But since the stuff I need to write about now are Six Weird Things About Myself and my Five Favourite Food, well, they’ll survive my menial flair for writing. Hehe.

Six Weird Things About Me

1. My knees. haha.

2. I often perform tawaf around the house (I still do now, but the room’s quite small it’s a little inconvenient- I usually stand still instead. Haha.)- my mind having its little exercise in tandem, accompanied by a stoic look on my face. I could be in deep philosophical thought, or one of my make-believe adventures, or plain brooding. Family members wondered about it at first but I believe they have grown accustomed over time.

3. I’m nocturnal. Now many people share this trait (and if you include other species, well, a whole lot of Earth’s inhabitants really), I know, but the thing is, since normal human being’s custom is to begin the day early in the morning, I don’t get to sleep as much as I should. So during weekends I often wake up late (not very, though, at least it doesn’t stretch till noon =)), and somehow people often come to see me during this time, only to find me asleep. And they get this impression that I just love to sleep, whereas the truth reveals just the opposite- I sleep less than anyone in general. Ok, this isn’t really weird, is it. But I just find it funny when people label me as such when in actuality, they couldn’t be more wrong. ;)

4. I collect receipts. When people look at the thickness of my wallet, they are prone to be fooled into thinking that I’m rich and rolling in it, when the fact is that I own a couple of 10 Ruble notes, and thousands of Rubles' worth of receipts. Now you people know. Haha. The point is, I always strive to go through my expenses and reevaluate things when I find the time to be more organised. This never happens.

5. I have different pairs of slippers for different purposes- one for toilets (wet slippers), one for kitchen and other places (dry slippers), one inside the room. I also have different towels for different purposes- one for the shower, one for the loo. Also, different liquid soap for different purposes. Right. Kind of a bit anal-retentive there. Not to the point of obsession though (now I’m starting to worry).

6. I knit. Or at least I used to.

5 Favourite Food

1. Nasi lemak (with boiled eggs)

2. Nasi biryani + chicken tandoori

3. Traditional Malay dishes (can’t pick on a few, love ‘em all! Contohnya sayur rebung masak lemak, ikan keli masak sambal, telur ikan masak lemak, ikan bakar petai, rendang daging, etc.)

4. Cheesecakes

5. Japanese cuisine

As for side dishes, I dig ‘em all- sambal belacan, ulam-ulaman (petai, kacang botol top the list), budu, tempoyak, cincaluk, kuah asam… I gotta stop, my saliva’s being excessively secreted as we speak.

Yay, I’m done. And oh, I won’t tag anyone for the 1st task, though I’m violating the rule- some rules are meant to be broken, yes? =D


Azra Ain said...

i've been tagged too! they tagged me so that i will updated my blog. hihi!

Jamil said...

Your knees? What's so weird about your knees then?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... her knees....

u made me realise those can move. haha.

anyway, receipts, tepat skali! gosh.. u just stuff them all in and keep them until eternity, dont you?!

pycnogenol said...

Do you have wobbly knees, iFos?

Come to think of it, yes...ikelah keep asking you about your knees. ;)