
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Winter's back in town

Today’s a lovely Wednesday- a touch of snow for the wintry feel, and, as per every semester in the past, killer subjects to round the day with. Lovely. And so, the so-called honeymoon semester of our medical years has begun. My inner mind’s still somewhere far away though, far enough not to be plagued by unnecessary inconveniences termed as homework and lullabies of a lecture, and, well, people staring at you as if you have just grown two heads. I enjoyed my holiday very much, and have related my story in its entirety to quite a number of people, aided by maps and guide booklets no less (which we stole from tourist info offices). Hehe. I wish I could do the same to my far-away family and friends, but hopefully my writing will do for the moment. Turkey is a beautiful country, be it in its exquisite sea views, the untold stories of the past immortalised in fine architectures of its buildings, the warm Turkish hospitality, or the glorious cuisine.

In the eve of the trip, I vowed to keep a detailed day-by-day, minute-by-minute journal documenting my first solo vacation to this country separated by two continents, housing one of the cities included in the list of places to visit in my lifetime. What I had in mind as a product would resemble something out of An Unexpected Light, crossed with The Motorcycle Diaries and Around The World In 80 Days with a dash of Ibn Battuta’s and Marco Polo’s travels, a romantic depiction of a bona fide traveler.

Ok, end of angan-angan. For the record, I did not keep a journal (hands too busy clicking on the camera' shutter) and granted, I might have forgotten some of the smaller details that I didn't intend to forget. Well. Anyway, I know I’m not writing for an award-winning book, and I’m not having a bout of writer’s block at the moment, but a bad news from home had me at a lost and halted my progress. Thus my account of the trip might be delayed for some yet-undefined while, until things get brighter. My best wishes to everyone out there.


Arifah said...

Aiyoooo ape gerangan ini???
I want a full account of the journey!!! Jgn malas2~=P

Anonymous said...

*(hands too busy clicking on the camera' shutter)*

hehehe i can vouch on that.. :0)

i think now i can remember which is which.. sofi yg pegang kamera click clikc non stop.. sarah yg pendek tu (tu your mom yg cakap hahaha).. jgn marah yea sarah.. :0)

hatice n baddin kirim salam..