
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bad Day

There are times when I just can't help but hate myself. Today's a prime example. It began when I spilled hot tea all over my labcoat and pants at our uni cafeteria this morning (and got a good laugh from gedik Russian girls), extended with the graceless knock over our water filter which had the handle smashed to pulp and practically instigated a flood at our doorfront, and ended with dropping my piece of fish for dinner on the tattered carpet. Hey, they don't call me Sofi The Sloppy for nothing now, do they?


ps: And if you happen to remember my room-locker-key-toilet-bowl disaster quite a while ago, I just did something along that line, right after I wrote the above entry. Won't elaborate, too depressing. I'll have this to say though- my day is complete.


tenkostar said...

ah one of those days ey. lepak2. just laugh bout everything - thats the best (dan best juga!) thing we can do :-)

ifos said...

Yeah, thanks for the tips ;p But hey, there's always a consolation- watching a good match wherein Milan wins!! Haha. I know I'm a man u fan too, but Milan rank slightly higher. And well, they were the better side all along tonight, so. ;)

Anonymous said...

it happened to me also when i started to drop things one after another. when it occured 2X, i'll be xtra careful and usually it works. lastly, pray....

Anonymous said...

when things arent just going your way... its time to chill. take a nap, or lie on the bed, play computer games, or read the quran or hadith, or sing something silly. just do not go outside of your room.

a quiet moment usually (but not always) works for me. or just lepak at the park - tho i like the beach better.

take care, and try not to injure others in the process. ;)

Jamil said...

Now I'm depressed that Man United lost :(

jerald pince said...

no worries.being kalut is always unique~

Anonymous said...

Hehehe. There are those days yang bila dah start bala, berderet deret bala menimpa macam dlm kisah Ipos ni lah. Becausenya bila berlaku menda negatif, kita focus pada that negative thought creates a wave of negative energy causing a chain of negative events. Kira jadi macam doa panggil bala la. macam main bowling masuk longkang and then gabra dan bila baling lagi sekali, masuk longkang jugak.

ifos said...

Everyone, thanks ;D