
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Just to let everyone know that I'm still alive ;)

Your Birthdate: April 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.

While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.

Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.

You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April

Can't say they're all true =p And Afie, I'll be waiting for my birthday present from you! Ngeh ngeh...


dith said...

Ngeh ngeh ngeh<---I just love this laughter .
All the above traits are so true of you except for being .......<---abah tak kasi mak tulis nih. Dia kata tak baik kutuk anak sendiri in public! hahha. Tu lah abah tak faham, it's not kutuk but 'challenge' <---heheh ni cilok dari kata2 aki!

So happy to see you well and about. Funny tho, you have adapted well and fast compared to Kak Sarah when she first came. Perhaps because you had her support whilst she was all alone there, then! You must thank your lucky stars for having Kak Sarah around!Alhamdulillah.

Anonymous said...

WOW !! And if all the traits are true, as acknowledged by drroza, then you are one lady I will be closely watching and following the career of.
Funny though, I think I can guess the trait that "Abah tak kasi nak tulis tu"
And I agree and believe too, not to "kutuk kawan sendiri " in public. Hehe :))

Ikelah said...

virtual mathematician, did u received the pics? still waiting for more of kak sarah n ur raya photos. how r u getting along with ur room mates? ur studies? ur room? ur kitchen?

Anonymous said...

ikelah, how can you ask ifos of her kitchen when you just said not to kutuk ifos in public? ish ish ish.. tak baik betul.

ifos, more photos please. more photos.

Boogey said...

Dictatorship? I asked around and nobody seem willing to give any it must be true.
For the same reason as P5, why ask about the room and put the girl in a difficult situation?

ifos said...

and dear uncles, why must you stress upon that fact in your comments as well...???=p mcm kurang ikhlas bunyi nk tolong tu.. haha... me, dictator? since when?! Haven't been put in a position that allows me to dictate people around in a long, long time... not since school. lol.

Anonymous said...

Come and see what my birthday has to say about me!!! You'll be surprised :)

Asmadi said...

nice blog u have ..hope can share something with those people study working now and im just local student bf4 so great to have friends all over the world..:)

Anonymous said...

Pffffttt, mine says, "Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money. You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet. A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job. Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss."

Business and money? O_o Are you kidding me? Hah, I guess it's a good thing to kerja sendiri but "Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle" -- no way do I need an opulent lifestyle.

But apparently my "power month" is August, and I do remember my site getting the most hits per month in August this year. Almost twice as much as usual.

(Not that I'm obsessed with stats, of course. xP)

Anonymous said...

iFos, missed reading your entries. Can we expect to read something from you real sooon.

Anonymous said...

So, sofi, what do u want for christmas?? Hehhe. No actually I meant for ur birthday?! Tgh kaye with jpa scholarship money niiii.nyumnyum.hahha.missing u and ur ENTRIES!! Cpt laaaa update! take care gurl~

Unknown said...

wahh...memang sama cam personality ko... " a bit dictator.." ...suka cakap laju2...huhu

ifos said...

Pycnogenol- There are some things that have been bugging my mind everytime I tried to sit down and write which eventually had me doing something else instead. I couldn't quite discern what it is, but I'll try again to write this New Year hols. Just maybe ;p

Afie- I want a good storybook!! hehe... missing my bookshelves so much =D

Oxer- Haha... zaman skolah memang aa... kuasa yang diberikan harus dieksploitasikan sepenuhnya..heh.

Anonymous said...

wow, i second pycnogenol... i actually imagined the whole thing looks like the perfect recipe for an aspiring politician, lawyer, businesswoman or something of the like. but i know you'll make a very good doctor all the same :)

btw we all need another sign that you're alive... SOON!