
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy birthday, Mak!

Happy birthday to my mother, the one who introduced me to the wonders of reading, Ryan O'Neal (hehe) and the importance of being earnest (and organised). May Allah bless and guide your path always.

a lone autumn leaf on an otherwise bald winter tree. gambar hiasan.

ps: will my blog entries be only birthday wishes from now onwards?! ;p


dith said...

Amin to your dua. Thanks for the wish.Ryan O'Neal the clone you mean? hehe.

If this blog is turning into a birthday wish portal, might as well make money out of it, hehe. Ala Hallmark.

...and don't stay glued to the Olympics...

abah said...

ooo...that is the flower from kazan... more pics please. ;)

mak's birthday present for this year is bigger than last year. ;)

study hard.... baca QUran... take care. wassalam.

momad said...

mak dapat ape this year? and kakpi. i tried to call you a few hours back, but it says ur number is not valid.

ifos said...

mak- it's nothing worse than being glued to the Beijing Olympics 2 years back... hehe.

Abah- it's not a flower and it's not from Kazan... ;)

really wanna post my travel pics but laptop ni krtikal sangat dah... hmmm.. tengok nanti mcmane..

Momad- I heard mak dpt "myvi putih". hehehe. I haven't changed my num... anyhow, will drop it on your ym.

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement

Louis said...

Nice shot on the lone red leaf. Winter reminds us of time to let go and wait for what is coming....and not lose hope while waiting :)

ifos said...

anonymous- thank you for the comments... do I know you? My father and uncles are usually the ones urging me to put up my pictures. hehe.

Louis- thank you. I actually always look forward to winter and don't want it to end. ;p

dith said...

Fi- I would think that Anon's comment was a spam, haha