Going a-choo-choo
The Moscow Metro, according to Wiki-sama, is the world's second most heavily used rapid-transit system after the Tokyo Subway, with an average of 7 million passengers per day (that about equals the population of Switzerland by the way). It is the most convenient mode of transport in Moscow, in my opinion, due to its efficiency and extensive coverage throughout the city. Its greatest appeal though, is the intricate design of many of its stations, making it a tourist attraction in its own right. I didn’t get to snap many pictures as we were playing catch up with time, so do visit Moscow and dig into the experience yourself. ;)
The map of the Metro. The brown ring line interlinks with all other lines radially running through the city. The stop for the Red Square and Kremlin is situated at the centre of the ring.
Taking the very steep and long escalator at Kievskaya station. I actually timed the duration but now it's slipped my mind ;( Many other stations also have such deeply-built underground tunnels.
Most of the classically designed stations have dim lightings, lending the dreamy atmosphere.
Waiting for the next train; a bit worn out after getting a little lost searching for the right line- it really was mind-boggling compared to other big metros I've been to, like the London Underground or the Hong Kong MTR.
A train wooshing by on the other side of the rail.
A train clocking in at Arbatskaya.
The blue train is one of the older models; other newer ones have been introduced, though still very few.
Paintings at... Kievskaya station, I think.
No guards stopped you from taking pictures did they? I've always had this idea that they'd nail you down at the sight of a camera.
p.s. That last picture....is it a reflection?
The remake of Dr zhivago
rajin pulak menulis dan upkan gambar dengan tiba tiba. musykil jugak ni.
waaa. paris nye metro pon efficient. I think better than London underground yg selalu delayed and under construction yg membosankan. Macam every 1-2minutes ade train. tapi hodoh train die.
jamil- nope... public places like these are ok I guess. and nope, it's not a reflection. haha.
mak- never read the book nor watched the film. hehe.
abah- tiba-tiba...... penat tau mengumpul energy n time n kerajinan utk tulis n taruk pics ni. hehe. dari minggu ke minggu asik tertangguh je... ni trip to spain tak tau ape cite plak ni... tsk2.
momad- train mane hodoh, moscow ke paris? ke due2? haha.
Lovely, lovely place. Mesti selalu jadi tempat shooting ni. :)
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