
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

At the twilight

At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.

Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.

I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.

The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.


Summer has arrived, surprisingly (in a pleasant way) manifested by blustering wind and cloudy atmosphere. They said it will last for a week. And as I sit here with my half-filled cup of green tea, savouring my break time (as articulated in Ops Sikap, appendix A) which has unintentionally been extended, this feeling of familiarity says hello. It's that time of year again. Every season possesses its unique peculiarities that makes its presence memorable. They may be found in the form of a song. A scenery. A favourite activity. Listening to a particular song may keenly remind you of autumn last year; listening to the train choo-chooing in the stillness of the night may bring to mind the novel feeling of just arriving here two years back. This time it's the wheezing racket of the fan's blades against the air, which is so reminiscent of summer and, inevitably, final exams. My heart flutters at the words, yet I still go about in guilty complacency. And now, I'm about to membebel pointlessly.

Life's pretty normal these days. Subuh at 2.30am, Isya' at 11.15pm. Frankly, I prefer winter's solat time. Strawberries are cheap, mangoes have been upped to about RM40 sebijik (should have taken a pic of 'em at the market), Russia and the U.S. are on the verge of another cold war, BM will be reverted to Bahasa Malaysia again (the government sure have lots of redundant topics to stress on), three more classes to go before study leave. Peachy.

ps: Happy 6th birthday to my cousin Imran (5th June)!

Rindu cycling


Anonymous said...

Forty DANG ringgit?! Wooo. Very the mahal. O_o I guess I should get used to those kind of figures though, I guess the UK wouldn't be that far off.

Anyway, all the best for your exams, hope the weather stays cool there (but probably not, huh?)... Forgot to tell you that you got tagged a few entries back (just click on my name). Tak taulah if you've done it before, but I don't mind if you give it a pass. ^^

ifos said...

Rambutan and belimbing are also very expensive. dah la kecut2. hehe. thanks for the wish ;) About the tag, sorry, I guess I missed that! Hehe. will try to do it soon- if not, after the exam. But i'll definitely do it ;)

Anonymous said...

tak pe, nanti balik ke sana bawak buah malaysia dan boleh jual.. keuntungan besar tu.

Arifah said...

Hehhe. Terpikir nak suruh u buy and sell them there. But then your pandai dad dah bg idea tersebut. Ngehehehe ;D