
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Menu of The Year

1. Ikan patin goreng

2. Kari kambing

3. Udang masak merah

4. Ayam goreng berempah (yeke??)

5. Sayur umbut masak lemak

6. Sayur labu masak lemak

7. Sambal belacan

8. Sambal 'O' dengan tempoyak

9. Sambal tumis ikan bilis dengan petai

10. Ulam raja, kacang botol, jering dan petai

11. Limpa (yeke??) goreng

Pemanis mulut:

1. Puding buah-buahan (something berkuah, I forgot to try)

2. 3 biji kek Secret Recipe: Banana something-something cake, White chocolate macadamian cake, and Chocolate Indulgence cake


1. Jus oren

2. Jus kelapa muda

3. Air sejuk

I was one happy eater =D Thank you very much, Aki & co. !


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I already had my dinner!


Welcome home.

Jalilah said...

Wah... don't tell me you eat all that in one meal! Haha. It's good to be back isn't it? How long are you going to be in Malaysia?
And as for your other entry, erra & Yusry and Siti marrying Dato' K is the most hangat perbincangan between most people around me. Huhu

Jamil said...

Menu of the Day

Nasi Putih

Telur Dadar

Timun dan Belacan

A remarkably stark difference there.

Anonymous said...

yupp.. she ate all those - 3 times!!! and finished all the petai..!!! what a healthy eater. tsk tsk tsk...

pycnogenol said...

Ikan patin goreng - never tried that before, but I can just imagine the crunchiness all on the outside, and the 'lemak' that's all so heavenly.

What is sambal 'O' by the way?

Secret Recipe's White chocolate macadamian cake - you can never go wrong with that one.

I'm all regrets now for not finding time to 'accidentally' be in Kuantan over the weekend, and pretend to be 'lost' just around Aki's house. ;))

Firdaus Ariff said...

Welcome back to Malaysia. Haven't seen you for more than a year. (Since the unexpected meet at KLCC). Kinda miss hearing you 'rapid-fire' talking eheh. :P

ayumi said...

Woah, for a moment, I thought that is a menu that you prepared to cook for your family... until I saw the "Secret Recipe" part. Heheh. I'm certain you're one happy eater, all right :)

Oh hiyoshi.. here's MY menu:
Nasi putih
Ikan keli bakar
LOTS of sambal belacan
Kangkung goreng

And I'm as happy as ever :P

ifos said...

Crimsonskye: thanks =)

Jalilah: Indeed, I ate them all in one sitting! And I'll be here till the end of August.

Hiyoshi: I'll survive happily as long as there is belacan ;p

P5: I did NOT finish all the petai!

Pycnogenol: Sambal 'O' is plain sambal cili without the addition of belacan, tomatoes, etc. Hehe.

Ibnu Ariff: Haha... buat la class reunion once more.

Ayumi: Menu to COOK for family... hmm... tercabarnye rase... hehe.