This morning, instead of the usual weekly tafseer classes, we viewed two slideshows concerning the plight of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Later, they handed round a box for donations. I mulled over the fact that we could do so little to help our afflicted fellow Muslims in this jihad against the musyriqin. This issue has been highlighted time and again, but I fear that only very few amongst us who really did empathise with the essence of it and committed to the cause wholeheartedly. And by that, I mean boycotting the products of Israel and those who support the Zionists. We were reminded of this boycotting ‘thing’ during the furor surrounding the Danish cartoon issue not long ago but I think we could use a little prompting on our roles every now and then.
As quoted in a translated letter by Dr Khalil Ismael Al-Hayyah of HAMAS in a copy given to us (I’m paraphrasing) - if we merely become observers to this episodes of transgression and do nothing about it, we will be adjudicated in the Day of Judgment. Our brothers and sisters will demand the rights that they did not get from us in dire needs. They would die as syahids, but our fate is still hanging in the balance. Whilst they are bearing bullets in their bodies, we are happily digesting food made by the very people who fired the bullets in the first place. We are handing them the means to manufacture those bullets, thus in a way, we are fraternising with them. Aren’t we ashamed by that fact?
And just so to clarify the consequences, we won’t die from not eating McDonald’s or not drinking Cokes or Starbucks coffee. It’s just that our love for this world too often overcast the greater beauty of Al-Akhirah that we fail to sort our priorities accordingly. We are not perfect, but we can always strive for the better. And Allah knows best.
Mother Russia in spring
Alhamdulillah for this entry. A poignant reminder as we always lapse into remissions of complacency and forgetfulness. Yes these are amongst the least of effort we can insyallah inculcate in our daily lives.
Perhaps you could ingrain these values in your siblings when you're back then?
Aki ni setuju ngat ngan Ipoth. Apa ke he nya lar orang sekarang ni gemor sangat maken ubi maken kentuky maken Mek Di, minum air itang ngalohkan Andok ni. Kalo Aki tengok lar, rame budok mude ngan orang betine hok gemor mende mende ni. Tak kenyang ke dah maken nasik? Tak sedak ke dah maken ikan patin asang rong? Tak ilang ke haus minum air sunge jelai? Rebus dengan akar kayu dalam periok tanoh, ngan lapor sekali harung ilang. Ni dok, nok air itang tu macam air 7 lemboh tu jugok. Aspalela sunggoh lar orang zaman ler ni. Aki dulu maken ubi masa zaman jepung langgar Malaya dulu jek. Tu pun sebab tak jumpa nasik. Orang sekarang ni kena langgor dek mendanya kemaruk ngat maken ubi?
yes... anywhere in this world when there is a muslim suffering, we should also feem the pain especially those who suffered in the cause of Islam. how are we to feel and act appropiately? what action should be taken then? the Quran had said it clearly. Our Prophet pbuh had showed us the way. Its up to us to think, to use our heart to reach.
as for the photo, its nicer if i can see more of the reflection.
take care and read Quran.
Ikelah: actually, i did try to get the reflection but couldn't- kolam tu tak cukup panjang, tak dpt reflection. heh. that pic was about the end of the pool actually.
Mak: Hehe... actually dulu pun dah boycott mcd tp dorg tu kuasa persuade, power jgk! lol.
Hmm kawe selagi mampu, kawe boycott corporations yang tak adil. Contohnye kawe haramkan diri kawe daripada membeli apa2 barangan Marks and Spencer, Sara Lee, Starbucks. Dan kawe cuba sokong peniaga2 kecik dan Muslim selagi kawe mampu financially (sebab kedai kecik ni harga dia besar wehh). Tapi kawe tak mampu nak boycott McD kalau kawe travelling, sebab kalau takde vegetarian sandwich McD, tengah lapar tak makan sehari suntuk, mahu pengsan kawe hypoglycemia. Tapi kalau darurat kawe terpaksa then buat je lah. Tapi tak rela.
Throw a pebble into the pool. The small waves can add a sense of dinamism and some glare to compensate the lack of reflection and good light. It will overall strengthen the image projected by the statue.
Paul Moss, throwing things into the pool might be prohibited! Remember this is Russia we're talking about, not New Zealand! :p
nice blog you have here. I always wonder how I am gonna be like when I am abroad. Of course I've never been. :) keep up ur good work and study smart.
Russia is very modern and open nowadays. I believe you can even throw your friends into the pool.
Just don't throw rubbish. Not only will it spoil the picture, it'll spoil the environment too!
Sedap lagi makan ikan bakar bercili, sotong+udang goreng and kangkung masak belacan daripada makan McD :D
We've just had ikan and kerang bakar just now.. beats McD any time of the day!
In reality, there are indeed people who would declare tak boleh hidup kalau takda McD, KFC and so on. Sad, but it's true. I remember the time when I was left speechless at a friend's reply, after I told her why I choose not to consume McD. "Apa jugak yang kau dapat buat semua ni?"
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