
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy birthday, mak!

"Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother"- Rasulullah s.a.w. (Ahmad, Nasai).

To my dearest mother, who tirelessly sends me medical articles/cases every day so that I may learn and become a good doctor (I'll try my best to read them all! ;p). May Allah give you the best from this world and the next, and always make you happy.

ps: Sorry I'm late, there was a technical error. hehe.


dith said...

Thanks Fi.....look at Kak Sarah in that pic....and look at abah!...hehe

ifos said...

hehehe... semua org slim & cute time ni.

Ikelah said...

yang berdiri kat belakang je yang slim. 3 lagi ada ciri ciri montel masa tu.

dith said...

Tapi sekarang, dah reverse dah...

ifos said...

hehehe... abah, a challenge for you tuh! ;p

zyryx said...

whoa med articles/cases..i get those from medscape since about 4th year i think..started reading them back nowadays
btw happy bday dith n nice fam pic

felt like butting in once in a while :p

ifos said...

zyryx- yeah I butt in here once in a while too. haha.

zyryx said...

i can see that