
Friday, April 10, 2009

Not planning to write, but I have to

Happy 48th birthday, Abah. I wish you well and under Allah's blessings and guidance always. And even though certain parties might erupt into chaos, I'd like to say that I think you're the best-looking out of your siblings. hehehe. (At least Mak will agree.)


dith said...

I see dark clouds looming ahead as 3 testosterone loaded beings brimmed with sheer dissatisfaction reading this entry, preparing heavy ammunition to fire at innocent souls, hehe

But I have to agree with you. Abah has always been the best looking of the lot. Being duped as the Ryan O' neil of Malaysia is a deserving title I daresay, hehe

abah said...

thanks. nothing much to say except that may Allah give us guidance, strength and blessings.

Jamil said...

I just had to google Ryan O' Neil didn't I?

Happy birthday to Dr Azmi. May Allah's blessings always be with you

Amir Ridhwan said...

hehe... politically correct statement since you're there now. balik mesia kang siap la.

dith said...


balik mesia kang siap la <==now I understand what Sofi means when she says that 'awak kuat buli dia masa dia kecik, lipat dalam carpet la, haha

Boogey said...

Kawe rasa Sofi ni nanti laki dia mesti tak hensem. Kuat benor firasat nih sampai tahap mengiggil.

dith said...

Cik, kawe dok imagine awok dok selubong satu malam dok menahan menggigil firasat awok tu, hahah

dith said...
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dith said...

p.s. Tinggal satu peluru lagi. Dia ni mesti pergi bertapa dulu kat Bt C, haha

Amir Ridhwan said...

apa ntah abah dia rasuah masa besday sampai sanggup buat afidavit terbuka camni.

Unknown said...

Hehehe...masing-masing ada kelebihan dan KEKURANGAN jua. Namun usaha Sofi yang seiras ngan sikap azali orang Penerangan harus dipuji jugalah untuk menjamin perpaduan dan kemajuan negara.Satu Malaysia, rakyat diutamakan !!!

P5 said...

salina, sofi ni memang boleh join aok kerja kat penerangan. hehehe... memang teras dah macam tu... makan boleh difahami dan dimengerti. tapi, kita tunggulah sampai dia balik mesia nanti, kita akan bagi tazkirah untuk memperbetulkan mazhab dia. ye la, dah duk obesi lama sangat, bila balik kena la bagi kursus tatanegara seround.. :D

Amir Ridhwan said...

drp Ryan O' neil tu hensem lagi michael j fox.

dith said...

haha..ada orang menobat diri dia jadi M J Fox....jgn Mir, kang dpt Parkinsons. Nauzubillah!

P5 said...

balik mesia nanti, kena bawa opie pegi jumpa dr quah.

momad said...

hahaha. ape la nye conversation! hahaha. xpe2, momad xle join. conversation da tamat da pon. monitor laptop momad rosak. kene tukar. or hantar service centre. which dell xcontact lg. adei... da la dekat xm. adei. good that i can avoid wasting my time on internet.

ikelah said...

thanks jamil. may Allah bless you and your family too. salam to both your parents.

thats y i love my acer. my old acer still work wonders even in the hands of aliah.

dell 'AWT mixer' button keyboard tertanggal.
dell momad monitor busted.

bab appearence tu, no comment laa. kena terima je anugerah Allah. hensem ke, tinggi ke, pendek ke, yang penting as man kita control and make decisions. phew... phew...

Jamil said...

Sofi - wan't it your birthday yesterday? (Today's the 14th)

ifos said...

hahaha... i have to admit, I wrote the 'affidavit terbuka' mostly to read my wacky uncles' comments. ;p but it's an honest statement nevertheless, tanpa paksaan daripada mana-mana pihak. huhu...

jamil- yeah, 'twas my birthday 'yesterday' (today's 15th ;))

Amir Ridhwan said...

paksaan tu memang x de, apa la dia nak mintak kat abah dia lepas ni. nanti balik cuti bawak boipren ke?